5 Lessons I learned from "Big Magic"
1:51 AM
Last month, I accidentally found this amazing book from the nearby bookstore. To be honest, I knew this book before I bought (I've heard from people that it's very inspirational book), So I couldn't just leave "the magic" on the bookshelf like that.
Aside from the people's recommendation, the book itself attracted me like a magic. The cover, the color, and mostly, the word "creative". I always wanted to live a creative life as a teen and wondered how people do this, so I thought this book could be my personal coach. (it was!)
Oh, and I must say this is not a book review. This article contains "Big Magic" important lessons seen through my eyes. Each of my ideas will include my favorite quotes from the book.
1. Never waste time thinking small, and always believe that you have valuable treasures hidden within you.
2. Be creative, because it matters. Make things, because you like it.
3. Love the inspiration and want it enough to do anything for it.

So those are the 5 inspiring lessons I learned from "Big Magic". Oh, and this book, magically inspired me to start this blog too. You can buy it here
What do you think what is your hidden treasure?
Lots of love,
Aside from the people's recommendation, the book itself attracted me like a magic. The cover, the color, and mostly, the word "creative". I always wanted to live a creative life as a teen and wondered how people do this, so I thought this book could be my personal coach. (it was!)
Oh, and I must say this is not a book review. This article contains "Big Magic" important lessons seen through my eyes. Each of my ideas will include my favorite quotes from the book.
1. Never waste time thinking small, and always believe that you have valuable treasures hidden within you.
"And you have hidden treasures hidden within you - extraordinary treasures - and so do I, and so does everyone us. And bringing those treasures to light takes work and faith and focus and courage and hours of devotion, and the clock is ticking, and the world is spinning, and we simply do not have time to think so small."
2. Be creative, because it matters. Make things, because you like it.
"You want to write a book? make a song? direct a movie? Decorate pottery? Learn a dance? Explore a new land? You want to draw penis on your wall? Do it. Who cares? It's your birthright as a human being, so do it with a cheerful heart. Let inspiration lead you wherever it wants to lead you. Keep in mind that for most of history people just made things, and they didn't make such a big freaking deal out of it."
3. Love the inspiration and want it enough to do anything for it.
"People don't do this kind of thing because they have all kinds of extra time and energy for it, they do this kind of thing because their creativity matters to them enough that they are willing to make all kinds of extra sacrifices for it."4. Don't force your inspiration to earn money for you.
"There's no dishonor in having a job. what is dishonorable is scaring away your creativity by demanding that it pay for your existence. This is why, whenever anyone telss they're quitting their day job in order to write a noel, my palms get a little sweaty. "5. You don't have to be ready to begin. You have to begin before you're ready. Just do it anyway. Bruh.
"I have never created anything in my life that did not make me feel, at some point or another, like I was the guy who just walked into a fancy ball wearing a homemade lobster costume. But you must stubbornly walk into that room, regardless, and you must hold your head high. You made it, you get to put out there. Never apologize for it, never explain it anyway, never be ashamed of it. You did your best with that you knew, and you worked with what you had, in the time that you are given. "
What do you think what is your hidden treasure?
Lots of love,